Making the Most of Storage Space

You can never have too much storage space in your home, right? We are all guilty of owning too much stuff, that ends up creating a real chaos in our homes. A cluttered environment can affect your stress and ability to focus because unorganized objects lying around compete for your attention. Any time is a good time for decluttering and turning your home into the relaxing sanctuary it should be. So how can you make the most of the space you already have?

Own less.

Start with getting rid of stuff you don’t need. Most of us would love to avoid this step, but it is essential if you want to maximize your space. When you own less, you might realize that you actually don’t need more storage space, and you will immediately feel lighter and more relaxed. In order to declutter effectively, you must devote a set time to go room-by-room and toss out anything that you’re not using anymore, and you must be ruthless!

Put redundant areas to use.

If you have any unused wall space or alcove, you can definitely take advantage of it and turn it into a storage space. From a built-in bookcase or dresser to ceiling cabinets and narrow shelves for smaller corners, or even wall pockets – all of these are efficient and functional solutions that if you put a little extra effort into making it stylish, it can be another decorative element in your home! And if you have stairs, you can utilize the area underneath them for installing drawers and cupboards that can store everything and organize like items. 

Organize wisely.

If you use storage containers, be sure to organize them in a way that will allow you to easily retrieve an item from storage when you need it. Use clear plastic containers so you will be able to see inside it, and make sure to label each container to save precious time in the future. Also, the old rule of out of sight out of mind applies here, so you want to store your most frequently used items in the easiest places to reach and where you can see it often.


Always take measurements.

Before buying any storage product, from racks to containers, always plan ahead and take measurements to be sure you choose the right products to fit your space. These products should easily match your items, and not the other way round. You don’t want to end up shoving the container into the closet to make it fit.


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