

Area Rugs | Accent Rugs | Kitchen Mats | Bath Rugs | Window Treatments | Kitchen Textiles | Table Linens | Decorative Pillows | Pet


Famous for his dreamlike, whimsical designs, the fashion prodigy Christian Siriano can count the world’s biggest stars as clients, and his designs are regularly seen on the most prestigious red carpets.


With a bold, eclectic style, his numerous collections range from fantasy evening gowns and cocktail dresses to refined sportswear and intricately detailed shoes and accessories. The “Designer of the Decade” award recipient, he is also the youngest designer to win in the hit reality series “Project Runway.”

Christian Siriano New York partners with Home Dynamix to turn his striking designs into stunning home décor that instantly elevates any space. The collections range from elegant, fluffy shags to abstract and traditional area rugs. With a variety of balanced, symmetrical looks, free motion designs or sophisticated patterns, these outstanding collections bring fashion and style into our customers’ home and everyday lives.